
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Thinking of Winter--Starting Our Winter Unit

Geez Louise, we've only been back to school for three days and I am exhausted! We're all getting back into a routine, teachers included, and it's taking a bit to settle in. We have been doing lots of learning, and this week we kicked off a unit on Winter!

I wanted to know what the kids knew about winter, and they had lots of great ideas. As you see on our chart, one kiddo even said that Santa comes in winter! What a smartie!

(Sometimes when I'm writing charts, I give the kids an activity to keep them busy, so they are busy but listening. With this chart, they glued aluminum foil onto scrapbook paper in the shapes of snowflakes. No pictures of it, but I found the idea here: Shiny Snowflakes.)

Today we learned that writer's add labels to their pictures to give us more information, and they were writer's today by labeling a snowman together! After they told me what each label was to the snowman, they used dry erase boards to copy the label. It was the first time we had tried that out, and they did so well and I am so proud! Here's a few pictures, only I just realized I didn't take pictures of the chart! Whoops! I'll add that tommorow. Here's a couple of hardworking kiddos, copying the labels from the chart (which, not bragging or anything, is a KINDERGARTEN standard. They are so smart, but I may just be partial!)

We also did a Science experiement, but that's for a later day! Hope you're all having a great start to 2012!


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